
Construction HR & Workforce Professionals Gear Up for Industry Conference

Limited Space Available for Post-Conference Events

The 2024 AGC Construction HR & Workforce Conference, being held on October 20-22nd in Denver, CO, will focus on the intersection of HR and workforce development in our industry. The program will feature a multi-track educational program that includes sessions focused on HR practices, while others will highlight workforce development strategies. Some sessions will cover both! If you’ve attended an HRTED Conference or Workforce Summit in the past, this event was designed with you in mind.

At this year's conference you can get exclusive access to the following post-conference programs, but space is limited and selling out fast:

  • HR Workshop: Join us for an engaging case-study exercise and mini roundtable discussions led by industry professionals, designed to deepen your HR knowledge and sharpen your critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Explore topics that are most impacting your organization, collaborate with peers, and gain tangible, real-world examples to apply within your teams. Don’t miss this chance to enhance your expertise and drive meaningful change in your organization. Sign up today and elevate your HR practice to the next level! Boxed lunch to be provided.
  • Workforce Field Trip: Join us for an optional excursion to the campus of the innovative Explorative Pathways for Innovative Careers (EPIC) in nearby Littleton. Attendees will have an opportunity to see how the high school CTE program is training future construction professionals thanks to an innovative collaboration with contractors and the AGC of Colorado. In addition to touring the facility and sitting in on classes, attendees will meet with the program's principal and several current students. They will share details of how the program was created, how it recruits students, what the learning experience is like, and how they work with the industry to place graduates in construction careers. Boxed lunch to be provided. Bus will depart at 12:45 and plan to return to the hotel by 4.


For more information, contact Claiborne Guy at 703-837-5382 or or Jo-Anne Torres at 703-837-5360 or

Industry Priorities