Because AGC has partnered with Michelin, you can benefit from a value-added program that offers competitive and consistent nationwide pricing on a full line of products. This includes access to our Emergency Road Service (ERS) offer – Michelin OnCall.
The Michelin Advantage Program pricing is available at home and on the road, so you can control your tire costs if you are a localized or long haul based operation. Because Michelin knows that you may have more needs other than just truck tires, our Full Line Program will also help in your cost control of other Michelin product lines, such as Passenger Car and Light Truck, Earthmover, Compact Line or Tweel Tires.
Knowledgeable TIA trained technicians will take care of your service needs at any of our over 5,000 authorized truck dealer locations. With Michelin ONCall drivers can get roadside assistance all day, every day, no matter where they are. This gets your trucks back up and running, whether it is tires, mechanical, or towing, to ensure that you maximize your productivity.* Access to our Michelin Advantage Customer Service team is available on business days to answer any questions you may have about the Advantage Program including system access, billing, invoicing or orders. *Dispatch fee waived for Michelin Advantage Program ($29 value).
As a member of the Michelin Advantage Program, you will receive access to the member website where several online business tools are located to help improve your business performance. You will have the ability to manage your account online, to register and update your credit card(s) on file, check pricing, view invoices or purchase history. You can tap into maintenance tips and techniques with our webcasts, e-newsletters and our member website at MichelinB2B.com to help maintain an efficient operation.