
Featured Story
August 13, 2024
With the addition of two new federal bid protests, AGC is aware that four AGC-member construction firms have now filed federal bid protests objecting to project solicitations that require a project labor agreement (PLA). All four protests have led the government to voluntarily suspend the contract… Read More

AGC News

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Preferred Hotel Rates End on September 21st The agenda is live, and registration continues for the 2021 Construction HR and Training Professionals Conference to be held October 14-15, 2021, in St. Louis, Missouri, but time is quickly running out to book your lodging.  AGC’s preferred rate at… Read More
September 15, 2021
Click HERE to find a new AGC COVID-19 Vaccine Toolkit that you can share with your staff, trade contractors, subcontractors, and partners. AGC has gathered information on COVID-19 vaccines, their safety and their effectiveness that members can use in their education efforts; created an industry-… Read More
September 13, 2021
The Associated General Contractors of America is installing a new billboard in the Pittsburgh area to call out Congressman Conor Lamb for voting to keep his constituents stuck in highway traffic. The billboard, which is located along one of the most congested commuter corridors in the Congressman’s… Read More
September 13, 2021
The prices contractors pay for construction materials continued to increase in August while many firms report struggles to get those materials delivered on time, according to an analysis by the Associated General Contractors of America of government data released today. Association officials urged… Read More
September 10, 2021
All Employers 100+ Must Ensure Vaccinated or Tested Weekly On September 9, President Biden announced a new plan to require all federal employees and federal contractors to be vaccinated against COVID-19.  Additionally, the plan will also require all employers with 100 or more employees to… Read More
September 9, 2021
On September 9, the House Committee on Ways and Means, which has jurisdiction over tax policy, began consideration of its share of President Biden’s American Families Plan. The final price tag of the overall legislation is still being negotiated by the House and Senate, as moderate Democrats,… Read More
September 9, 2021
Includes AGC-Opposed PRO Act Provisions and More On September 8, House Democrats released legislative text detailing their labor priorities under consideration for inclusion in a $3.5 trillion human infrastructure bill. Included in that legislative text are AGC-opposed PRO Act provisions such as… Read More
September 9, 2021
October 28, 2021, at AGC’s Headquarters in Arlington, Va. Registration is now open for the AGC In-House Environmental Managers (IHEM) meeting on Oct. 28, 2021, in Arlington, Va.  Join your peers for a day spent in discussion of solutions to the challenges on your to-do lists and based on… Read More
September 8, 2021
Association Officials Urge Congress to Finish Work on Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill to Boost Demand for Nonresidential Construction and Fund Career and Technical Education Programs to Add to Worker Supply The construction industry lost 3,000 jobs between July and August as ongoing declines in… Read More
September 3, 2021
Scope of Ruling and Impact on Construction Permitting Unclear   On August 30, a federal district court in Arizona effectively threw out the Trump Administration EPA’s Navigable Waters Protection Rule, which defined waters of the United States (WOTUS) under the federal Clean Water Act and… Read More
September 2, 2021