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August 26, 2024
  AGC & Arcoro Workforce Survey 94 Percent of Construction Firms Report Having a Hard Time Finding Workers to Hire, Undermining Efforts to Build Infrastructure & Other Projects As Industry Calls for Better Federal Workforce Policies The nation’s failure to invest in construction… Read More

AGC News

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AGC’s 97th Annual Convention will be held March 9-11, 2016 in San Antonio, Texas. Please visit for registration information. Below is a preview of some of the Convention sessions. Politics & the Annual AGC Convention Do you like politics?  Are you fascinated… Read More
March 2, 2016
AGC Seeks Increased Funding for Airport Infrastructure Today, the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee officially kicked-off the reauthorization process for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) with a markup of the Aviation Innovation Reform and Reauthorization (AIRR) Act. … Read More
March 2, 2016
Includes 13 Percent Increase in Federal Construction Accounts On Feb. 9, President Obama released his $4.1 trillion budget for fiscal year 2017, which proposes $1.215 trillion in discretionary defense and non-defense spending in FY 2017 and $2.565 trillion in mandatory spending.  The budget,… Read More
March 2, 2016
The New Hampshire polling proved correct.  Donald Trump and Sen. Bernie Sanders were the easy victors in their respective Republican and Democratic primaries last night, but what does that tell us? First, the Sanders’ victory, as impressive as it was, will be short lived.  Despite his… Read More
March 2, 2016
Addresses Change Orders, Industry Standards and Standard Designs The House of Representatives this week unanimously passed AGC-supported legislation that would help improve the VA construction program’s interactions with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and accountability to taxpayers and… Read More
March 2, 2016
Bill Addresses One-Step Design-Build and Reverse Auctions The Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs this week unanimously passed AGC-supported legislation that would (1) require civilian federal agencies—non-Department of Defense agencies—to utilize the two-step design-build… Read More
March 2, 2016
AGC Pushes for Redevelopment of Excess Federal Real Property Members of the House and Senate have recently introduced and advanced legislation that could encourage federal agencies to dispose of, consolidate, or redevelop billions of dollars of excess or underutilized civilian federal real… Read More
March 2, 2016
The AGC Financial Issues Committee Summer Meeting is scheduled for June 13-14, 2016 in Washington, DC. Meeting and hotel information is available on the meeting’s site and Early-Bird registration opened this afternoon. CEOs, Owners, CFOs, Tax Directors and other accounting professionals will have… Read More
March 2, 2016
Construction spending soared in January from a month earlier and all major segments posted hefty year-over-year gains, pushing the total to the highest level since October 2008, according to an analysis by the Associated General Contractors of America. Association officials said the new spending… Read More
March 1, 2016
​US DOT this week announced that it is soliciting applications for two discretionary grant programs totaling $1.3 billion. The FAST Act created a new program for "Nationally Significant Freight and Highway Projects" that US DOT is calling the FASTLANE grants program, an acronym that stands for "… Read More
February 26, 2016