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August 26, 2024
  AGC & Arcoro Workforce Survey 94 Percent of Construction Firms Report Having a Hard Time Finding Workers to Hire, Undermining Efforts to Build Infrastructure & Other Projects As Industry Calls for Better Federal Workforce Policies The nation’s failure to invest in construction… Read More

AGC News

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AGC submitted comments to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) on a Draft Core Toll Concessions Public Private Partnership Model Contract Guide for P3 concessions using tolling as the revenue source. The Guide was prepared by FHWA in response to a requirement in MAP-21 that the agency develop… Read More
March 13, 2014
Administration to Send Reauthorization Plan to Congress in April This week, committees in the Senate and the House heard from the U.S. Secretary of Transportation Anthony Foxx and other Department officials about their FY 2015 budget submission, MAP-21 reauthorization, and how they intend to… Read More
March 13, 2014
Gray Construction of Lexington, Ky. was named the nation’s safest construction company in 2013 by AGC of America.  The association, which oversees the Willis Construction Safety Excellence Awards, an annual ranking of construction safety programs, noted that 51 other companies were selected as… Read More
March 13, 2014
The latest reports on construction employment and spending were encouraging. Industry employment climbed by 15,000, seasonally adjusted, in February to the highest level since June 2009. Spending in January hit the highest seasonally adjusted annual rate since March 2009 and rose 9.3 percent over… Read More
March 11, 2014
Please join the Construction Leadership Council (CLC) and the Young Architects Forum (YAF) on twitter, Wednesday, March 12 at 2 p.m. ET for a joint TweetChat hosted by the CLC and YAF. This month, we will be focusing on Architect/Contractor Collaboration. If you are new to the twitter sphere, we… Read More
March 10, 2014
On Nov. 7, 2013, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued a proposed rule to amend its current recordkeeping regulations to require the electronic submission of injury and illness information. The proposed rule would require construction firms with more than 250 employees to… Read More
March 7, 2014
On Wednesday, Richard Fierce, senior vice president at Fluor, testified in front of the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee’s Panel on Public-Private Partnerships (P3 Panel).  The purpose of the hearing was to provide an overview on the use of public-private partnerships in highway… Read More
March 7, 2014
Get Involved at With the federal Highway Trust Fund projected to be unable to support any new highway, bridge or public transportation improvements in fiscal year 2015, the AGC co-chaired Transportation Construction Coalition (TCC) is launching a new national outreach… Read More
March 7, 2014
Construction employers added 15,000 workers to payrolls in February despite harsh winter working conditions, raising industry employment to the highest level since June 2009, according to an analysis of new government data by AGC of America.  However, association officials noted that as the… Read More
March 7, 2014
Las Vegas-based Horses 4 Heroes opened a new facility at the historic Tule Springs Ranch today after volunteer contractors completed roughly $80,000 worth of work on the weeks-long project and donated an additional $20,000 for the group.  Construction charity organization AGC Charities, Inc., with… Read More
March 6, 2014