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August 26, 2024
  AGC & Arcoro Workforce Survey 94 Percent of Construction Firms Report Having a Hard Time Finding Workers to Hire, Undermining Efforts to Build Infrastructure & Other Projects As Industry Calls for Better Federal Workforce Policies The nation’s failure to invest in construction… Read More

AGC News

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The partial federal government shutdown added to an already heavy toll on construction from federal spending cuts. Unfortunately, contractors should expect more blows ahead, even if Congress avoids another shutdown. The closure of so many offices drove home the many ways contractors interact with… Read More
October 29, 2013
On Oct. 23, the House of Representatives passed the Water Resources Reform and Development Act (WRRDA), H.R. 3080, by a 417-3 vote. With AGC members sending hundreds of letters of support to their members of Congress and an active AGC lobbying campaign, the WRRDA bill passed by an overwhelming… Read More
October 25, 2013
A “Listening Session” scheduled by U.S.DOT seeking comments on proposed changes to the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) regulations that apply to the Federal-aid highway, transit and Federal Aviation Administration programs will be rescheduled and the deadline for written comments will be… Read More
October 25, 2013
AGC’s Lean Construction Education Program Unit 4: The Last Planner® System will be released in mid-November and we’re recruiting new instructors! The Last Planner System is a four-hour course that can be offered locally at AGC Chapters across the country. A free instructor orientation webinar will… Read More
October 25, 2013
Earlier Session Rescheduled Due to Government Shutdown, New Session Added – FREE to AGC Members! Registration is now open for the following webinar sessions that EPA is hosting specifically for the construction industry. Please register as soon as possible using the links below. (Note that these… Read More
October 25, 2013
With the simultaneous release of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) draft science report on the connectivity of waters and the submittal of its new proposed rule to the Office of Management and Budget for review, the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-… Read More
October 25, 2013
In celebration of the 2013 America Recycles Day on November 15, the AGC Environmental Forum is issuing its first-ever annual used hard hat recycling challenge to AGC members.  Old hard hats can fade, turn brittle and compromise workers’ safety.  Let us see how many old and unsafe hard hats we can… Read More
October 24, 2013
Construction employment rose by 20,000 in September and the industry’s unemployment rate fell to a six-year low of 8.5 percent, while construction spending increased for the fifth consecutive month in August, according to an analysis of new government data by AGC of America. Association officials… Read More
October 22, 2013
It took an AGC-supported compromise between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) to break the logjam and bring an end to the government shutdown and stalemate over the debt ceiling.  However, while the Reid-McConnell deal does not address… Read More
October 18, 2013
The timeline for action and debate of immigration reform had been sidelined by the House of Representatives as they worked on the debt ceiling and government shutdown. With yesterday’s passage of a budget deal, there is a possibility that some members of Congress will turn their attention back to… Read More
October 18, 2013