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August 26, 2024
  AGC & Arcoro Workforce Survey 94 Percent of Construction Firms Report Having a Hard Time Finding Workers to Hire, Undermining Efforts to Build Infrastructure & Other Projects As Industry Calls for Better Federal Workforce Policies The nation’s failure to invest in construction… Read More

AGC News

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Prices for construction materials were flat in March, as plunging diesel fuel and metals prices offset increases in items used in new housing and nonresidential building renovations, according to an analysis of new federal figures released today by AGC of America. Association officials noted that… Read More
April 12, 2013
The president’s FY 2014 budget contains information on the administration’s enforcement and employment initiatives. The budget is ultimately subject to congressional approval – where it faces considerable opposition – but shows the administration’s priorities and illustrates how employers can… Read More
April 11, 2013
As part of the administration’s FY 2014 Budget Request to Congress, the Department of the Treasury released the General Explanations of the administration’s FY 2014 Revenue Proposals, or “Greenbook.” President Obama’s budget maintains a focus on taxing the wealthy by reiterating his plan to let… Read More
April 11, 2013
President Obama released his Budget Proposal for FY 2014 on April 10. In it he proposes cuts to both the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) state revolving loan funds (SRFs) and the Rural Utilities Service’s Rural Water and Waste Disposal program. He also proposes changes to the tax code that… Read More
April 11, 2013
President Obama’s budget proposal for transportation includes many of the same ideas that the administration has proposed over the past several years, but none of which have been met with much support in Congress. Included in the transportation request for FY 2014 are more details on the $50… Read More
April 11, 2013
Military Construction The president’s FY 2014 budget request for military construction on the whole provides a slight gain over FY 2013 funding levels. The president’s proposal includes about a $400 million – or approximately 5 percent – increase for direct service military construction accounts.… Read More
April 11, 2013
June 4-5 | Washington, DC AGC and the Transportation Construction Coalition (TCC) scored a major victory last year when the “Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act” (MAP- 21) became law. The legislation provided a two-year authorization through the end of FY 2014 and sufficient revenue… Read More
April 11, 2013
Learn more at Join AGC member company CFOs, CEOs and other senior accounting professionals June 13-14, 2013 in San Diego, Calif. for the AGC Financial Issues Forum (formerly the Tax and Fiscal Affairs Committee Meeting). The conference will feature in-depth discussions with fellow… Read More
April 11, 2013
On April 9, AGC urged the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) to reverse a decision to procure construction services using an online reverse auction. Specifically, the Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS)—an agency within DOI’s jurisdiction—recently issued a solicitation for the “Tail Gate Spread… Read More
April 11, 2013
AGC joined 190 other industry groups from a wide selection of economic sectors to express concern about a growing path of influence whereby groups use lawsuits that seek to force federal agencies to issue regulations that advance their policy priorities. These lawsuits are used to negotiate… Read More
April 11, 2013