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August 26, 2024
  AGC & Arcoro Workforce Survey 94 Percent of Construction Firms Report Having a Hard Time Finding Workers to Hire, Undermining Efforts to Build Infrastructure & Other Projects As Industry Calls for Better Federal Workforce Policies The nation’s failure to invest in construction… Read More

AGC News

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This week, the Obama administration stated it would petition the Supreme Court to review the recent U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit decision, Noel Canning v. NLRB, a key case (of several separate cases) challenging the validity of three “recess appointments” President Obama made to the… Read More
March 15, 2013
The groups are led by one Republican Member serving as chair and one Democratic Member serving as vice chair. Each of the 11 groups will review current law in its designated issue area and then identify, research and compile feedback related to the topic of the working group. Each working group… Read More
March 15, 2013
On March 5, the U.S. House Education and Workforce’s Subcommittee on Heath, Employment, Labor and Pensions held a hearing titled, “Challenges Facing Multi-employer Pension Plans: Reviewing the Latest Findings by PBGC and GAO.”  Harold Force, president of Force Construction Co. in Columbus, Ind.,… Read More
March 15, 2013
On March 8, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) published a revised Form I-9, the Employment Eligibility Verification form. The new form, which expires on March 31, 2016, is available for immediate use by employers; however, employers who need time to make changes to their current… Read More
March 15, 2013
Opp Construction of Grand Forks, N.D. was named the nation’s safest construction company in 2012 by the Associated General Contractors of America. The association, which oversees the Willis-sponsored Construction Safety Excellence Awards, an annual ranking of construction safety programs, noted… Read More
March 15, 2013
This week, House Republicans and Senate Democrats began the process of moving their respective fiscal year (FY) 2014 budgets.  In the House, Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan passed his budget out of committee late Wednesday night on a party-line 22 to 17 vote. All committee Republicans voted for… Read More
March 15, 2013
Today, the House Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee held a hearing on the implementation of the transportation reauthorization bill, Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21).  At the hearing, Chairman Tom Petri (R-Wis.) and members of the subcommittee heard from Department… Read More
March 14, 2013
Exciting Learning and Networking Opportunities Planned for June 13-14 After an extremely successful first-ever AGC Contractors Environmental Conference last year, AGC will keep the momentum going at this year’s conference – scheduled for June 13-14, 2013, in Arlington, Va.  This year will bring… Read More
March 14, 2013
Today, the U.S. House Education and the Workforce Subcommittee on Workforce Protections held a hearing on "Examining the Role of Lower-Skilled Guest Worker Programs in Today's Economy". The hearing is the latest in a series by the House to review different components of immigration reform. Today’s… Read More
March 14, 2013
This week, Senate Appropriations Chairwoman Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.) and Ranking Member Richard Shelby (R-Ala.) unveiled their FY 2013 appropriations bill, H.R. 933 – the Consolidated and Continuing Appropriations Act of 2013.  The bill includes five individual appropriations bills for spending in… Read More
March 14, 2013