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August 26, 2024
  AGC & Arcoro Workforce Survey 94 Percent of Construction Firms Report Having a Hard Time Finding Workers to Hire, Undermining Efforts to Build Infrastructure & Other Projects As Industry Calls for Better Federal Workforce Policies The nation’s failure to invest in construction… Read More

AGC News

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Construction employment increased in just half the states plus the District of Columbia from June 2011 to June 2012, but declined in a slim majority of states in the past month, according to an analysis of Labor Department data by the Associated General Contractors of America.  “The latest state… Read More
July 20, 2012
AGC of America is proud to announce the recent launch of the 2013 AGC/Alliant Build America competition. All member companies in good standing who meet the competition requirements are encouraged to apply. A new, more user-friendly awards submission site has been developed for the 2013 awards… Read More
July 20, 2012
On July 16, AGC filed comments on proposed Small Business Administration (SBA) rules on multiple award contracts (MAC), bundling and consolidation. If finalized, the proposed rules would further streamline and clarify SBA regulations on the books regarding MACs and small business set-asides.… Read More
July 20, 2012
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) recently revised the schedule for its safety manual revision—called EM 385-1-1, 2008—to allow for more time for comments from industry stakeholders. AGC will work to provide opportunities for contractors to meet via conference call and/or face-to-face with… Read More
July 20, 2012
Held on Oct. 24-26, 2012 in Las Vegas, Nev. and jointly sponsored by AGC and the Construction Financial Management Association (CFMA), the 16th Annual AGC/CFMA Construction Financial Management Conference offers programs and workshops designed specifically for financial professionals in the… Read More
July 20, 2012
ConsensusDocs is pleased to provide a free podcast regarding the new ConsensusDocs 246 Owner and Geotechnical Consultant Agreement.  All members of a design and construction team have an interest in assuring that all project participants have the proper contractual foundation, and the ConsensusDocs… Read More
July 20, 2012
On May 23, 2012, AGC joined 10 other national business associations in a letter to the U.S. Secretary of Labor urging her to reconsider a series of new affirmative action mandates the Department of Labor proposes to impose on contractors working on federal projects. The proposed rules come from… Read More
July 17, 2012
The Medical Loss Ratio Provision of the Affordable Care Act, President Obama’s 2010 health care reform law, is now in effect.  As a result, many companies are starting to receive rebate checks from insurance companies, leaving HR professionals to determine the best way to distribute the funds to… Read More
July 17, 2012
Registration is now open for AGC’s 2012 HR Professionals Conference and Training, Education & Development (TED) Conference where attendees can earn up to 25.25 recertification credits toward PHR or SPHR recertification from the Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI). The conferences… Read More
July 17, 2012
Prime contractors and higher tier subcontractors are often financially responsible for what subcontractors are or aren’t doing when it comes to regulatory compliance.  On July 19, 2012, at 2:00 p.m. ET, AGC will hold a webinar entitled “Getting Subcontractors On Board: Why and How to Train Your… Read More
July 17, 2012