
Featured Story
August 26, 2024
  AGC & Arcoro Workforce Survey 94 Percent of Construction Firms Report Having a Hard Time Finding Workers to Hire, Undermining Efforts to Build Infrastructure & Other Projects As Industry Calls for Better Federal Workforce Policies The nation’s failure to invest in construction… Read More

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June 1, 2012
Later this evening, Rep. Michael Grimm (R-N.Y.) is expected to offer an amendment to the Military Construction, Veterans Affairs (MilCon/VA) Appropriations Bill for Fiscal Year 2013 (H.R. 5854) that would remove a provision that eliminates government-mandated project labor agreements on federal… Read More
June 1, 2012
The House approved a short-term, 60-day extension of the National Flood Insurance Program yesterday, keeping the program alive and setting the stage for continued debate over reform this summer. The bill was approved by a voice vote. The Senate plans to debate a five-year reauthorization and… Read More
June 1, 2012
Close to 400 members of the Transportation Construction Coalition (TCC) came to Washington, D.C. this week as part of the 11th Annual TCC Legislative Fly-In to urge Congress to complete action on the transportation reauthorization bill before the current extension expires on June 30. The… Read More
May 31, 2012
Save the date and register for a free webinar this June that will provide an overview of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) rules for stationary reciprocating internal combustion engines (RICE), as well as an update on proposed revisions to those rules. RICE are used to produce… Read More
May 31, 2012
A noteworthy federal district court decision will force a state agency to reimburse the United States for almost $9.36 million in clean-up and related costs because the state’s highways discharged hazardous substances to the environment.  This landmark decision opens the door for “Superfund” (… Read More
May 31, 2012
Rep. Paul Broun (R- Ga.) has threatened to bring a motion to the House floor as early as tonight, which would instruct House conferees to insist on limiting total "funding out of the Highway Trust Fund" in FY 2012 and 2013 to the revenue from gas tax receipts that the Congressional Budget Office… Read More
May 31, 2012
At the Annual Convention in Hawaii this past March, AGC announced the winners of the 2012 Alliant Build America Awards, including a winner within the Environmental construction category. The Alliant Build America Awards recognize the nation’s most significant construction projects.  A panel of… Read More
May 30, 2012
AGC held a May 25 media event in Tallahassee, Fla., in coordination with member firm Vulcan Materials Co., to announce how the area lost another 300 construction jobs between April 2011 and April 2012, while employment levels throughout Florida dropped to their lowest levels since 1990. Out of… Read More
May 29, 2012
Construction employment declined in 157 out of 337 metropolitan areas between April 2011 and April 2012, increased in 120 and stayed level in 60, according to a new analysis of federal employment data released today by AGC. Association officials said that construction employment continues to suffer… Read More
May 29, 2012