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August 26, 2024
  AGC & Arcoro Workforce Survey 94 Percent of Construction Firms Report Having a Hard Time Finding Workers to Hire, Undermining Efforts to Build Infrastructure & Other Projects As Industry Calls for Better Federal Workforce Policies The nation’s failure to invest in construction… Read More

AGC News

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On May 27, Congressional leaders in both the Senate and House of Representatives introduced legislation to prohibit federal agencies from collecting or using information about political contributions made by small, family-owned businesses or larger companies that wish to do business with the… Read More
June 4, 2011
Construction employment was virtually unchanged in May as the industry added just 2,000 jobs for the month and the sector’s unemployment rate declined to 16.3 percent, according to an analysis of new federal employment data released Friday by AGC. AGC said that declines in public sector… Read More
June 3, 2011
The House cosponsor number has grown from 36 during the week of the AGC convention to 140 this week.  The most recent additions to the House cosponsor list are: Rep Black, Diane [TN-6] - 5/31/2011 Rep DeLauro, Rosa L. [CT-3] - 5/26/2011 Rep Dent, Charles W. [PA-15] - 5/31/2011 Rep Diaz-Balart,… Read More
June 3, 2011
On Monday, a bill that would have raised our nation’s debt ceiling by $2.4 trillion failed in the House of Representatives by a vote of 97-318.  The outcome of the clean debt ceiling vote was never in question.  The House Republicans used the vote as an opportunity to ensure that an increase in the… Read More
June 3, 2011
The bipartisan leadership of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee yesterday issued a joint statement on their progress in developing highway and transit reauthorization legislation, titled Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21). EPW Committee Chair Barbara Boxer (D-… Read More
June 3, 2011
Specialty Contractors Council vice chair Rick Pate (Pate Landscape Co. Inc., Montgomery, Ala.) was featured in the March/April Constructor magazine in a feature article, Going Public With It.  Pate was one of eight AGC members interviewed about their careers in the construction industry and as an… Read More
June 3, 2011
On June 1, the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) Council issued an interim rule that changes procurement regulations to meet the goals of President Obama's October 2009 Executive Order. The interim rule also incorporates parts of a similar Executive Order issued by President Bush in March 2007… Read More
June 3, 2011
The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) appears to be heading in the right direction in its reconsideration of its proposal to update accounting standards concerning disclosure of an employer’s participation in a multiemployer plan.   At a May 31 meeting, FASB tentatively adopted a… Read More
June 2, 2011
A group of Purdue University Building Construction Management students traveling to Saudi Arabia on a construction collaboration project have set up a blog to document their trip.  This trip is being sponsored by FTR International Inc. According to Professor Brad Benhart, who is traveling with the… Read More
June 2, 2011
Construction spending inched up for the second straight month in April, 0.4 percent– following downward revisions to the March spending figures – thanks to increases in private nonresidential and home-improvement spending, AGC reported Wednesday in an analysis of new Census Bureau data.  AGC… Read More
June 1, 2011