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August 26, 2024
  AGC & Arcoro Workforce Survey 94 Percent of Construction Firms Report Having a Hard Time Finding Workers to Hire, Undermining Efforts to Build Infrastructure & Other Projects As Industry Calls for Better Federal Workforce Policies The nation’s failure to invest in construction… Read More

AGC News

Recent Stories

After several long weeks of negotiations, the White House and House Republicans announced in the late hours of April 8 that they have agreed on a budget deal that would fund the government through FY 2011. The deal would cap 2011 appropriations near or below $1.050 trillion while cutting domestic… Read More
April 8, 2011
AGC General Counsel Michael Kennedy was honored today by ENR as one of the top 25 "Newsmakers" of 2010 for his successful efforts to demonstrate significant flaws in the data driving costly new off road diesel emissions regulations in California.  Thanks to Michael's efforts, contractors will save… Read More
April 7, 2011
As Congress and the White House continue to debate a continuing resolution to fund the federal government for the remainder of fiscal year 2011, questions have been raised about the impact on the federal-aid highway program. If no decision is reached by Friday, April 8, most of the federal… Read More
April 7, 2011
While Congress continues to debate the federal budget for the remainder of Fiscal Year 2011, House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) yesterday released his blueprint for a budget resolution for fiscal year 2012 and beyond. Entitled, “Path to Prosperity, Restoring America’s Promise,” the… Read More
April 7, 2011
AGC participated in a constructive meeting of the Construction Industry FASB Coalition with the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) to discuss the Board’s project to enhance financial disclosure standards for employers that contribute to multiemployer benefit plans.  The Coalition… Read More
April 7, 2011
Following a late-night meeting at the White House yesterday and another this afternoon between President Obama, Speaker of the House John Boehner, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid there is still no deal on a budget compromise for the remainder of fiscal year (FY) 2011.  If a deal is not struck… Read More
April 7, 2011
AGC continues to urge Congress to repeal the 3 percent withholding mandate on federal, state, and local government contracts. Starting January 1, 2012, public owners will begin withholding 3 percent of every payment to contractors for goods and services. Stand-alone legislation has been introduced… Read More
April 7, 2011
Economists Lynn Reaser and Ken Simonson presented a partly sunny forecast at the Aon Economic Issues luncheon on Thursday, March 24. But the scene they painted had plenty of clouds, as well. Reaser, the chief economist of the Fermanian Business and Economic Institute at Point Loma Nazarene… Read More
April 5, 2011
Construction employment increased in 141 out of 337 metropolitan areas between February 2010 and February 2011, according to a new analysis of federal employment data released Tuesday by AGC. Association officials said that the relatively positive figures were likely affected by significantly… Read More
April 5, 2011
The AGC Construction Project Manager Course (PMC) provides you and your project managers the chance to hone the skills necessary to work more efficiently, increase productivity and propel your construction business to the next level.  PMC is the perfect opportunity for either the well-rounded… Read More
April 5, 2011