
Featured Story
August 13, 2024
With the addition of two new federal bid protests, AGC is aware that four AGC-member construction firms have now filed federal bid protests objecting to project solicitations that require a project labor agreement (PLA). All four protests have led the government to voluntarily suspend the contract… Read More

AGC News

Recent Stories

Construction firms added 24,000 employees in February, as hefty pay raises for hourly workers enabled the industry to increase employment more steeply than other sectors, according to an analysis by the Associated General Contractors of America of new government data. Association officials said… Read More
March 10, 2023
AGC of America and other business groups jointly submitted an amicus brief at the U.S. Supreme Court on March 3 in support of a land developer’s request for review of a Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals’ decision that allows citizen enforcement even when the state environmental agency has begun… Read More
March 9, 2023
  For Students in Technical and Craft Programs The AGC Education and Research Foundation offers Workforce Development Scholarships to students enrolled in accredited technical schools or craft training programs in any discipline of commercial construction. Students in technical or… Read More
March 6, 2023
AGCofAmerica · ConstructorCast - Check Your Chats: How Texts Fuel Disputes   NEW! ConstructorCast: Check Your Chats: How Texts Fuel Disputes Texters beware: Your data is not your own! Joining on this episode to share their experiences on the front line are Lauren Abeyta, COO at… Read More
March 3, 2023
Engineering News-Record (ENR) Magazine recently wrote a thought-provoking article entitled “Will Claims by Contractors on Big Design-Build Projects Ever End?” Progressive design-build is mentioned as a means to address some of the critiques that design-build faces today. Progressive design-… Read More
March 3, 2023
Do you need help managing risk and delivering successful projects in the construction industry? Join us for a ConsensusDocs March 22nd webinar that will explore the key factors contributing to a successful project delivery process and highlight the risk management maxims that can help maximize your… Read More
March 3, 2023
The House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee advances AGC-supported legislation to repeal a new Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) rule that would expand federal permitting jurisdiction over wetlands and more construction projects. On February 28, the House Transportation and Infrastructure… Read More
March 2, 2023
Public and private project owners are increasing looking for ways to reduce their climate change impacts. Likewise, communities and property owners want to protect their assets from extreme weather and natural disasters. To meet these owner demands, contractors must consider using new project… Read More
March 2, 2023
Register now for this two-part series beginning on March 28 that will examine trends for sustainability and resiliency, drivers, risks, and strategies for success in reducing the environmental footprint of the built environment while also protecting assets from extreme weather and natural disasters… Read More
March 2, 2023
  Total construction spending decreased by 0.1 percent in January, as declines in single-family homebuilding and public construction offset marginal gains from private nonresidential construction, according to an analysis by the Associated General Contractors of America today of new federal… Read More
March 1, 2023