
Featured Story
July 15, 2024
Apply by Thursday, October 31, 2024!  AGC of America is proud to announce the launch of the 2025 AGC Awards competitions! The Baldwin Group Build America Awards (including the Marvin M. Black Partnering Excellence category) and AGC in the Community competitions recognize the nation's most… Read More

AGC News

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As the White House holds their jobs summit, House and Senate Democrats have begun the process of drafting legislation to address the dire unemployment situation facing the country.  The timing on when such a bill would pass is not clear.  The Senate will likely take up a "jobs" bill in January,… Read More
December 4, 2009
The AGC co-chaired Transportation Construction Coalition (TCC) today launched a new ad campaign and issued a press release to coincide with the White House Jobs Summit, calling on Congress and the Obama Administration to create jobs now by passing a highway and transit bill. AGC also announced… Read More
December 4, 2009
In its ongoing effort to keep the pressure on Congress to enact a six-year transportation reauthorization bill with significantly increased funding levels, the Transportation Construction Coalition (TCC) has scheduled December 10 as "Phone-In to Congress" Day. While Congress is embroiled in other… Read More
December 4, 2009
The U.S. House of Representatives Thursday passed 225 to 200 votes H.R. 4154, the Permanent Estate Tax Relief for Families, Farmers, and Smalls Businesses Act of 2009, which would make permanent the 2009 estate tax rate of 45 percent and tax exemption levels of $3.5 million for singles and $7… Read More
December 4, 2009
On October 29, the U.S. Department of Transportation's Pipeline and Hazardous Material Safety Administration (PHMSA) issued an Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) on Pipeline Safety: Pipeline Damage Prevention Programs. The purpose of the ANPRM is to begin soliciting comments in order… Read More
December 4, 2009
On December 3, 2009, the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) submitted a proposal for review to the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) that would significantly change the principles and guidelines that govern federal water-resource planning. The proposal would require that all… Read More
December 4, 2009
On November 18, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) finally released a health care reform bill, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The bill is the result of merging and modifying two Senate committee drafts, as well as adding new taxes. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) cost… Read More
December 4, 2009
A bipartisan group of seven Senate Committee Chairs and Ranking Members sent a letter on Tuesday to Majority Leader Harry Reid and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell urging leadership to file cloture to move forward on a 6-month extension of the surface transportation bill to spur job creation and an… Read More
December 4, 2009
The AGC Co-chaired Transportation Construction Coalition (TCC) continues efforts to urge Congress to work towards enactment of a multi-year transportation bill with significantly increased funding to address the nation's long term and immediate economic problems. The TCC last week released a… Read More
December 4, 2009
With construction unemployment at more than 18 percent, AGC has aggressively lobbied for increased infrastructure funding and policy provisions to stimulate demand for private- and public-sector construction. In today'sThe Hill newspaper, AGC's Jeff Shoaf, senior executive director for government… Read More
December 4, 2009