
Featured Story
July 15, 2024
Apply by Thursday, October 31, 2024!  AGC of America is proud to announce the launch of the 2025 AGC Awards competitions! The Baldwin Group Build America Awards (including the Marvin M. Black Partnering Excellence category) and AGC in the Community competitions recognize the nation's most… Read More

AGC News

Recent Stories

AGC CEO Steve Sandherr appeared on Fox Business to discuss the results of AGC's recent stimulus survey.  Sandherr explained that the stimulus has helped AGC members save jobs, but has not significantly helped to add jobs, and that AGC has written to federal government agencies urging quicker… Read More
August 3, 2009
The Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP), responsible for ensuring that contractors doing business with the federal government do not discriminate and take affirmative action, will soon begin conducting compliance reviews of construction contractors who receive funding and grants… Read More
August 3, 2009
In order to help AGC members and Chapters sponsor Build Up! kits, we are holding a buy-one-get-one-free sale (or buy one Build Up! kit for only $100). AGC Build Up! kits are an engaging educational resource for young people to learn about the construction industry and the careers it offers. We are… Read More
August 3, 2009
On August 5, 2009 from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. ET, ConsensusDOCS will host a webinar titled Introducing the Subsubcontract.  The expert panel will explain the new ConsensusDOCS 725, the industry's first and only standard agreement designed specifically for use between a subcontractor and subsubcontractor… Read More
August 3, 2009
Michigan and Texas have both announced they will devote $1 million in funding to support Registered Apprenticeship. In Michigan, $1 million from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act will be used to provide incentives for companies that sponsor new apprentices. Texas has announced that $1… Read More
August 1, 2009
Last week AGC expressed its opposition to the massive $1.5 trillion health care overhauls being debated in the House and Senate. AGC remains opposed to the bill because AGC members and their employees will face a nearly impossible task of keeping insurance coverage, paying for coverage and… Read More
July 31, 2009
By a vote of 79-17 the Senate passed legislation to transfer $7 billion of general fund revenue to the Highway Trust Fund to provide enough revenue to ensure state transportation departments will continue receiving full reimbursements for federal-aid highway projects through September, the end of… Read More
July 31, 2009
AGC released results of a survey that measured the impact of stimulus funds on construction companies' ability to expand payrolls.  The survey found that stimulus construction funds have had little impact to date on companies' ability to hire new employees, but has helped companies save existing… Read More
July 31, 2009
This week, AGC CEO Steve Sandherr contacted 27 federal agency heads concerning the pace that Recovery Act dollars are flowing through the agencies and in the form of contracts available for bid. With more than one million construction workers having lost their jobs over the past year, AGC expressed… Read More
July 31, 2009
Key senate staff has indicated that S. 1005, the Water Infrastructure Financing Act of 2009, could be up for a vote for the full Senate's consideration as early as next week. On Monday, July 27, AGC sent a letter to Senators indicating its support for S. 1005.  Click here to view the letter. S.… Read More
July 31, 2009