
Featured Story
August 13, 2024
With the addition of two new federal bid protests, AGC is aware that four AGC-member construction firms have now filed federal bid protests objecting to project solicitations that require a project labor agreement (PLA). All four protests have led the government to voluntarily suspend the contract… Read More

AGC News

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AGC CEO Steve Sandherr, Dave Ivis, executive vice president of GE Johnson, and Kevin Fone, project superintendent, pose for a Denver Post photographer. AGC hosted an event in Denver this week and detailed how the proposed "Card Check" legislation currently being debated in Washington poses real… Read More
March 31, 2009
Join us May 28-29 for the Spring 2009 AGC BIMForum in Dallas, TX.  The Spring BIMForum will be an assembly of some of the nation's leading Architects, Engineers, Builders and Owners for a two-day program focused on BIM and the bottom line. Topics to be covered include:  The economy of BIM - What is… Read More
March 31, 2009
Construction employment fell in February in 41 states, increased in six and was unchanged (or within 100 of the January level) in three plus D.C. Compared to a year earlier, construction employment fell in 45 states plus D.C., rose in La. (8.2%), Oklahoma (1.2%) and Arkansas (0.5%), and was within… Read More
March 27, 2009
Amy Hall, president of Ebony Construction in Sylvania, Ohio presented testified on the need for clarity in implementing regulations for the US DOT's disadvantaged business enterprise program and the work AGC has done to develop industry standard guidance documents over the last three years.  The… Read More
March 27, 2009
House and Senate Budget Committees this week passed their respective budget resolutions providing a non-binding blueprint for FY 2010 federal spending and tax policy.  The House and Senate will consider the resolutions next week, with final passage votes expected by the weekend. Both resolutions… Read More
March 27, 2009
Unemployment rates rose and nonfarm payroll employment in February fell in the District of Columbia and all states except Louisiana, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported today. Compared to a year earlier, every state had higher unemployment rates and all had lower employment except Wyoming… Read More
March 27, 2009
The day when Building Information Modeling (BIM) will be standard practice on construction job sites is coming. Studies show that BIM use among project owners, architects, and contractors has steadily increased and is projected to become even more widespread in the years ahead. So, what is BIM and… Read More
March 27, 2009
South Dakota became the first state to adopt an innovative set of consensus contract documents that could reduce both cost and risk of public construction.  Governor Mike Rounds has signed legislation authorizing the use of template contracting documents on March 12, 2009.  Rather than draft… Read More
March 27, 2009
Many American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funded construction projects including water treatment facilities, paving , water main and valve replacement are already being advertised on FedBizOpps.Gov the federal government's portal for contracting business opportunities. All stimulus funded… Read More
March 26, 2009
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) publicly released its fourth Drinking Water needs assessment today. The purpose of the Assessment is to document the 20-year capital investment needs of public water systems that are eligible to receive Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF)… Read More
March 26, 2009