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August 13, 2024
With the addition of two new federal bid protests, AGC is aware that four AGC-member construction firms have now filed federal bid protests objecting to project solicitations that require a project labor agreement (PLA). All four protests have led the government to voluntarily suspend the contract… Read More

AGC News

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AGC Webinar - Feb. 26, 2:00 to 3:30 pm ET Don't miss this important webinar as industry experts John Tocci, Sr. and Jim Frey provide an in-depth look at how Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) is changing the construction industry, lessons learned from early adopters and what you can do to benefit… Read More
February 19, 2009
Will February mark the low point in the economic cycle? Assuming President Obama signs the tax and spending relief package this month, and Treasury goes ahead with further banking and credit measures announced by Secretary Geithner on February 10, the economy will soon begin getting a strong double… Read More
February 19, 2009
Stimulus Web site covers all construction programs On February 13, 2009, Congress passed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (HR 1), and President Obama signed the bill at a ceremony in Denver on February 17. The Act includes a total of $787.2 billion in spending and tax cuts,… Read More
February 19, 2009
The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued a stimulus guidance document to the Federal agencies on February 18. The memo will serve to provide information on how to administer stimulus funds and provide information and requirements on financial reporting, risk management and contracting. The… Read More
February 19, 2009
Having wrapped up work on the economic recovery package, House and Senate Appropriations Committees will return from the President's Day recess to complete work on the fiscal year 2009 appropriations process and prepare for the arrival of the President's FY 2010 budget. Because Congress failed to… Read More
February 19, 2009
Last week, Congressman Sullivan (R-Okla.) introduced legislation (H.R. 983) that seeks to ensure that federal contracts are awarded through open competition. The Government Neutrality in Contracting Act would prohibit the use of government mandated project labor agreements. This legislation… Read More
February 19, 2009
Supporters of the (so-called) Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) remain short of their goal of original cosponsors thanks to AGC members voicing their concerns. AGC opposes the Employee Free Choice Act and urges AGC members to discourage cosponsorship. EFCA would take away a worker's right to a… Read More
February 19, 2009
On Tuesday February 17, the Government Accountability Office publicly released a report on diminishing contractor participation in the State Department's Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations (OBO) embassy construction program. The report was jointly requested by the Senate and House Foreign… Read More
February 19, 2009
AGC's updated stimulus Web page details the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, which includes $308 billion in appropriated spending, $269 million in direct spending and $211 billion in tax cuts. AGC worked hard to ensure significant infrastructure investment was included in the plan, and… Read More
February 19, 2009
Following passage of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, AGC's CEO Stephen Sandherr released a statement and was interviewed in several media outlets, including ENR.
February 19, 2009