
Featured Story
August 13, 2024
With the addition of two new federal bid protests, AGC is aware that four AGC-member construction firms have now filed federal bid protests objecting to project solicitations that require a project labor agreement (PLA). All four protests have led the government to voluntarily suspend the contract… Read More

AGC News

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  Total construction spending increased in November compared to levels in October and a year earlier, as gains in private residential and nonresidential projects outweighed decreases in public outlays, according to a new analysis of federal construction spending data the Associated General… Read More
January 3, 2022
In response to the ongoing Omicron wave of COVID-19 cases, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently updated its guidance to reduce, in most instances, both the length of time an individual must isolate after contracting COVID-19, and the quarantine period for those exposed… Read More
January 3, 2022
A December 17 decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit will effectively maintain a Georgia federal district court’s nationwide stay of the federal contractor vaccine mandate until at least January 24, 2022. The Eleventh Circuit denied a Biden Administration request to… Read More
December 23, 2021
It is also important to note that regardless of any decision issued by the courts, OSHA will still proceed with the rulemaking process to issue a COVID-19 vaccination-or-testing permanent standard. Under current law, an emergency temporary standard remains in effect for six months and serves as a… Read More
December 23, 2021
On December 17, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit removed the stay on the OSHA COVID-19 vaccine-or-testing emergency temporary standard (ETS). The court’s decision to remove the stay has been appealed to the Supreme Court. The litigation of the ETS is far from over and AGC remains… Read More
December 23, 2021
Following the nationwide vacatur of the 2020 definition of waters of the United States (WOTUS) under the Clean Water Act, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) reverted to using the 1980s regulatory regime with prior guidance when making decisions on federal jurisdiction over waters and wetlands… Read More
December 22, 2021
On Dec. 3, AGC submitted comments to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on proposed changes that would codify the Biden Administration’s interpretation that the Migratory Bird Treaty Act prohibits incidental take---injury or harm that occurs incidental to otherwise lawful activities.  If a… Read More
December 22, 2021
  Construction employment increased in nearly two out of three U.S. metro areas between November 2020 and November 2021, according to an analysis by the Associated General Contractors of America of new government employment data. Association officials said the job gains were welcome news for… Read More
December 22, 2021
Michael currently serves as the Director of Strategic Markets at Tarlton Corp. and is the Chair of AGC of America’s Building Division and a member of the Board of Directors.  He is an experienced construction leader with past roles in project management, estimating, business development, and… Read More
December 17, 2021
Only 18 states and the District of Columbia have added construction jobs since just before the start of the pandemic in February 2020 despite a pickup in most states from October to November, according to a new analysis of federal employment data released today by the Associated General Contractors… Read More
December 17, 2021