
Featured Story
August 13, 2024
With the addition of two new federal bid protests, AGC is aware that four AGC-member construction firms have now filed federal bid protests objecting to project solicitations that require a project labor agreement (PLA). All four protests have led the government to voluntarily suspend the contract… Read More

AGC News

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The construction industry gained 22,000 jobs between August and September as nonresidential construction firms added employees for the first time in six months, according to an analysis by the Associated General Contractors of America of government data released today. Association officials said… Read More
October 8, 2021
The construction industry gained 22,000 jobs between August and September as nonresidential construction firms added employees for the first time in six months, according to an analysis by the Associated General Contractors of America of government data released today. Association officials said… Read More
October 8, 2021
Updates, AGC Survey, and AGC WebEd The Safer Federal Workforce Task Force has provided further guidance on vaccination requirements for all federal contractors and subcontractors. Additionally, the FAR Council has issued guidance for federal agencies to implement these requirements in the coming… Read More
October 7, 2021
House Fails to Pass Bipartisan Bill Reauthorizing Programs On October 2, after two delayed votes in the House on the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), Congress agreed to a short-term, 30-day extension of surface transportation programs… Read More
October 7, 2021
Atmore’s Rolin Construction was named as the 2021 Diverse Business of the Year award winner by the Associated General Contractors of America, association officials announced today.  The association also awarded Diversity and Inclusion Excellence Awards, sponsored by Willis Towers Watson, to… Read More
October 6, 2021
After a week of high tensions and continued disagreement on a path forward for passing the bill, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi cancelled a vote on the Senate-passed Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act that, among other things, would reauthorize federal-aid surface transportation programs for 5… Read More
October 5, 2021
Total construction spending was flat between July and August, as a decrease in nonresidential projects offset continuing gains in residential construction, according to a new analysis of federal construction spending data the Associated General Contractors of America released today. Officials urged… Read More
October 1, 2021
The US Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division published a new resource for stakeholders in the construction contracting community: the Davis-Bacon Wage Determination Conformance Request Guide. The guide details the information and construction types contained in wage determinations and… Read More
September 30, 2021
AGC continues to wait for more information from OSHA on an emergency temporary standard (ETS) expected to require employers with 100 or more employees to ensure their workers are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or tested for infection on least a weekly basis. There is little clarity as to exactly… Read More
September 30, 2021
On Sept. 24, the Safer Federal Workplace Task Force issued guidance on the president’s executive order calling for a broad vaccination mandate for direct federal contractors. The guidance raises many questions without clear answers, including but not limited to how the mandate will be enforced and… Read More
September 30, 2021