
Requests for Build Up! Kits Keeping Coming

The Boys & Girls Club of Lansing sent along a thank you note with photos of the members using the Build Up! kit sponsored by AGC of Michigan." width="300" height="227" />

The Boys & Girls Club of Lansing sent along a thank you note with photos of the members using the Build Up! kit sponsored by AGC of Michigan.

AGC is still receiving requests for Build Up! kits from clubs around the nation. Currently we have more than 300 outstanding requests. AGC of America is asking our chapters and members to sponsor kits for these deserving young people around the country. The clubs are very excited about the prospect of using Build Up! Here are some of the notes we’ve gotten with the requests:        “We plan on using the toolkit in our Education and Career Development programs to teach youth in          our clubs practical math, science, and history skills to become better, well-rounded students and         also to help them find an interest in the building industry.”         “My goal is to get the members to look at their neighborhoods and learn the history and importance          of where they live.”         “We will use the kit to provide our members with a hands-on project through which they will learn          not only how to build bridges and skyscrapers, but will also enable them to reinforce math,          science, history and language arts.  After the members have built their projects, we will put them          on display for the entire Club and we will invite parents to come and see the projects.  When the          parents arrive, the children will have to explain their project to their parents.”          “This kit sounds amazing. I look forward to seeing my club members working together in building        skyscrapers and bridges.” Please visit our interactive map to see if there’s a club in your area looking for kits. This map is updated weekly with new requests being added and fulfilled requests being deleted. All potential sponsors have to do is click on their state to find out which communities have requested kits, and how many kits each community seeks. A hot link will allow you to email Liz Elvin to inform her of your desire to sponsor kits. Liz will then send you the club’s mailing address. Sponsors can then go to our online bookstore and order kits to be shipped either directly to the club or to themselves for personal delivery. So Boys & Girls Clubs serve nearly 5 million youths from more than 4,000, primarily inner-city, clubhouses. Each kit costs $199 plus shipping and would be shipped directly to the requesting club or to your firm if you’d like to deliver the kit in person. Additionally, AGC will send to the club a letter telling the club the name of the sponsoring AGC member or chapter.