
Respond to Veterans Affairs Survey on Project Labor Agreements by June 4

The Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Construction and Facilities Management (CFM) is conducting a series of surveys regarding the use of project labor agreement (PLAs) on various projects.  CFM is asking contractors to respond to the questionnaire for certain projects in Houston, Texas, Palo Alto, Calif., and San Juan, Puerto Rico, by June 4.  AGC encourages interested contractors to complete the survey and provide CFM with a clear idea of the impact that a government-mandated PLA would have on the construction of federal projects. The survey, which is included with individual job solicitations. asks the following questions: 1. Is your company familiar with Project Labor Agreement (PLA) used on construction projects? Yes/No Comments 2. Would your company likely submit a proposal for the VA construction solicitation that requires the use of a PLA? Yes/No Comments: 3. If VA requires a PLA, would your proposed construction cost likely to increase? Yes/No Comments 4. Does the VA requirement to use of a PLA on a construction project restrict competition? Yes/No Comments 5. Do you expect subcontractor resistance should VA requires the use of a PLA on this construction solicitation? Yes/No Comments 6. Do you have additional comments regarding the use of a PLA for this project? For talking points on PLAs, click here.  For information on the final rule implementing President Obama's executive order on PLAs, including a link to AGC's comments, click here. For more information, please contact Marco Giamberardino at (703) 837-5325 or