
EPA Releases Updated Clean Water Needs Survey to Congress

Today the U.S. EPA unveiled is 2008 Clean Watershed Needs Survey (CWNS).  The report identifies projected investment needs in excess of $298.1 billion for clean water infrastructure over the next 20 years for individual states.  This total represents a 17 percent increase over EPA's 2004 study.  Combined with the latest Drinking Water Needs Survey released in March of 2009, the EPA has identified roughly $632.9 billion in total water infrastructure capital investment needs over the next 20 years. Categories representing the largest segment of needs include:secondary treatment;  advanced treatment; replacement and rehabilitaion of sewers; and addressing Combined Sewer Overflows(CSO). AGC will conduct additional analysis of the new report and share the data with our members.  This increase in the national needs supports AGC's request for additional funding for drinking and wastewater infrastructure. To learn more about water infrastructure needs and related legislation, please visit To read a complete copy of the report, click here.