
Voters Choose Candidates in Alabama, Mississippi and New Mexico

Voters went to the polls on Tuesday to select their party's candidates in Alabama, Mississippi and New Mexico. In Alabama's 1st District, no Republican candidate received 50 percent of the vote, and Marth Roby and Rick Barber, the top two contenders to challenge Democrat Bobby Bright in November, face a run off in six weeks.  Roby currently serves on the Montgomery City Council.  Barber is a small business owner and Marine Corps Veteran. Only six months after switching parties, Alabama's 2nd District Republican Incumbent Parker Griffith lost his bid in the primary to Madison City Commissioner Mo Brooks. Alan Nunnelee, a conservative in the Mississippi State Senate, is set to face Blue Dog Democrat Travis Childers in the fight for Mississippi's 1st District seat.   Although a Democrat currently represents the district, polling has shown it is leaning heavily Republican. And State Representative Steven Palazzo will face Rep. Gene Taylor (D-Miss.) in November for the state's 4th District seat. Jon Barela, a Hispanic small business owner in the state of New Mexico, was chosen as the Republican Party's challenger to incumbent freshman Martin Heinrich in New Mexico's 1st District.  Barela was among the first of the GOP candidates around the country to receive the "Young Guns" endorsement from the National Republican Congressional Committee. In New Mexico's 2nd district, former Congressman Steve Pearce (R) will once again face freshman Democrat Harry Teague, but this time as a challenger. The Republican Party overwhelmingly chose Pearce, who served as the district's representative from 2002-2008, as their candidate.