
AGC-Opposed Candidate Renominated to the National Labor Relations Board

In 2010, President Obama nominated Mr. Craig Becker to become a member of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB).  Due to strong opposition to the nomination, including by AGC of America, the Senate failed to confirm the nomination.  The President chose to push forward with his nominee anyway with a recess appointment in March.  Becker’s recess appointment expires when the Senate adjourns at the end of 2011.   On January, 26, 2011, President Obama again nominated Mr. Becker for a full term on the NLRB.  The term of this appointment would be until December 2014.   This week, all 47 Republican Senators sent President Obama letter asking him to withdraw the nomination.  Prior to his recess appointment, Mr. Becker was the associate general counsel of the Service Employees International Union and the AFL-CIO, and had been a prolific writer on the National Labor Relations Act, the law he is now responsible for interpreting and enforcing.   These writings have indicated his extreme views on labor law, such as wanting to eliminate the role of employers in union elections and vastly limiting the role of employers in communicating with their employees.  In addition, he is a strong advocate of the so-called Employee Free Choice Act and is expected to push the NRLB to effect changes to employee rights like those attempted by the bill. AGC opposes the nomination of Mr. Becker to the NLRB because of his controversial positions on labor law.   For more information, contact Kelly Knott at (202) 547-4685 or