
Cuts in Diesel Retrofit Grants Proposed for FY 2011 and FY 2012

As part of their efforts to cut $100 billion in federal spending, House Republicans are proposing to reduce Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) funds for FY2011 down to $50 million, a $10 million reduction from FY2010 levels and the President’s original budget for FY2011.  On Wednesday, the House defeated 352 to 73 an amendment offered by Representative Jim Moran (D-Va.) that would have eliminated FY 2011 funding for DERA entirely.  AGC opposed the amendment.  In President Obama’s FY 2012 budget request to Congress released Monday, the Administration proposes to eliminate all funding for DERA, noting the benefits of clean diesel technology in new vehicles as fleets turn over as well as the availability of Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) and Supplemental Environmental Projects (SEP) funding for diesel retrofit projects.  AGC is working with a coalition of industry and environmental stakeholders to restore funding for DERA in light of the overwhelming bipartisan support for the program and the proven cost-effectiveness of diesel retrofit projects. For more information, contact Karen Lapsevic at (202) 547-4733 or