
House and Senate Continue Push on FAA Reauthorization

Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Marks-Up New Bill, Senate Scheduled to Pass Bill This Week    Both Chambers of Congress spent time this week on the long-delayed Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Reauthorization.  In the House, the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee voted a new 4-year FAA reauthorization out of Committee, while the Senate is poised to vote on final passage of their FAA reauthorization bill.  The new House  bill (H.R. 658), which now awaits floor action, would keep the passenger facility charge cap at $4.50 (as the current Senate bill does) and cuts Airport Improvement Program funding to $3 billion per year, which is $500 million less than the current appropriated level and over $1 billion less than the Senate bill.  The Airport Improvement Program is the primary source of federal funding for airport capital projects.  AGC will continue to monitor the FAA bill as it moves through the House and Senate and eventually to Conference. For more information, contact Sean O’Neill at (202) 547-8892 or