
House T&I Committee Field Hearings on Reauthorization

House Transportation and Infrastructure (T&I) Committee Chairman John Mica (R-Fla.) used this week’s Congressional recess to hold more than a dozen listening sessions around the country to gather information he can use in writing the highway and transit reauthorization legislation. AGC members participated in many of the hearings and listening sessions addressing the need for a focused, streamlined program that delivers improvements that are core to advancing national transportation interests. The listening sessions were held largely in the districts of freshman members of the T&I Committee and included bipartisan participation. At two hearings in California, Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Chairman Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) also took part.  Transportation Committee Chairman Mica was primarily interested in hearing about the following ways to reform the program:
  • Ideas on how to streamline the process; 
  • Programs that should be eliminated; 
  • Ideas for improving flexibility for states and localities; and 
  • Ideas for improving public-private partnerships.
While he requested that there be no discussion of infrastructure needs or funding for specific projects, those topics were raised at many of the sessions. Mica said at several of the sessions that he is not seeking an increase in the user fee to grow the revenue that supports the program, but instead is interested in constraining funding to meet annual revenue and instead create incentives that bring more private investment into the market. For more information, contact Brian Deery at (703) 837-5319 or