
275 Days Until 3% Withholding Begins – Action Needed

AGC continues to urge Congress to repeal the 3 percent withholding mandate on federal, state, and local government contracts. Starting January 1, 2012, public owners will begin withholding 3 percent of every payment to contractors for goods and services. On March 15, Senators Scott Brown (R-Mass.) and David Vitter (R-La.) filed an amendment to small business legislation pending in the Senate to repeal the 3 percent withholding mandate. A vote on the amendment has not yet been scheduled. AGC is urging Senators to support the amendment and will record Senators’ votes on AGC’s Legislative Scorecard. Stand-alone legislation has also been introduced in the House and Senate to repeal this mandate. Grassroots contact from AGC members is very important. To write your legislators and urge them to cosponsor the legislation, click here. AGC members have sent more than 2000 messages to Congress on this issue in the last two weeks. Currently H.R. 674 has 46 cosponsors in the House and two Senate bills, S. 89 and S.164, have 10 cosponsors. To see if your Senators and Representative are or have been a cosponsor of legislation to repeal the 3 percent withholding mandate, click here. For more information, contact Karen Lapsevic at