
TED Forum Chair Receives 2010 AGC Chair of the Year Award

Training, Education and Development Forum Chairman Mike Kenig of Holder Construction in Atlanta, Ga., received a National Chair of the Year award at the recent AGC Annual Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada. In 2010, in addition to serving as chairman of AGC’s Building Division, Kenig agreed to lead AGC’s New Training, Education and Development Forum.   This forum was created to provide resources and information to enhance performance and career development opportunities for individuals, member firms and the construction industry.  The forum consolidated three AGC committees into one comprehensive community and was the first of AGC’s new forums as established by the AGC Executive Board. In announcing the award, AGC President Ted Aadland said: “[He] has steered the group as a whole toward establishing a new forum community with a share vision. A vision that better aligns with AGC’s strategy to create new linkages with our members’ employees. His passion, dedication and leadership have proven crucial to the progress of the steering committee in particular and the forum as a whole. Kenig received the award for his service as chair of AGC’s.  He has been active in AGC of America for more than a decade, serving as chair of the Project Delivery Committee, Industry Liaison Committee, Building Division chair for two years, and three years as a member of the AGC Executive Board. Jerry Anderson of Anderson Construction Co. in Ft. Gaines, Ga., and another past Building Division chair, also was recognized with a National Chair of the Year award at the AGC Annual Convention.