
Understanding Skilled Workforce Pressures in the Construction Industry

As AGC members know, while the current economic downtown has left our industry with tremendous unemployment, we don’t expect the situation to last. Indeed, once the economy rebounds and construction projects pick up, we expect a shortage of skilled craftsworkers as current Baby Boomers retire. In order to determine needs and expectations, the Construction Users Roundtable (CURT) and its Construction Workforce Development Center (CWDC) have developed a Labor Supply/Demand Forecasting Model that contractors and owners can contribute to and access for aggregate information on capital and maintenance projects, as well as craft labor supply. The tool is unbiased towards union and non-union labor and uses information collected to provide a comprehensive understanding of craft labor supply and demand locally, regionally and nationally. In an effort to help the CURT/CWDC efforts to create the most-effective tool, AGC of America is asking its members to take a short survey about the CWDC Labor Supply/Demand Forecasting Model and how they are or would like to use the model in developing strategies to recruit and train construction craftsworkers. The survey only takes a few minutes to complete, but will be very helpful in guiding the revisions needed before launch of Version 2.0 of the forecasting model. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey: