
AGC Now Accepting Proposals for Convention Education Sessions

AGC will hold its 93rd Annual Convention on March 14-17, 2012, at the Hilton Hawaiian Village in Honolulu. AGC is now accepting proposals for a limited number of speaking opportunities that are available. Proposals should focus on current and emerging issues in construction, best practice presentations on key project-related areas or responsibilities, and unique challenges facing contractor owners and executives. Special consideration will be given to those submissions that are geared towards the following subject areas: Financial Management, Energy, Globalization and Technology. All proposals must be received by Tuesday, June 21, 2011. Click here for full Call for Presentations details. Ready to Submit? All proposals must be submitted online at To submit a proposal you will need to create a free Proposal Space account, then select AGC’s 93rd Annual Convention Call for Presentations from the list of programs to begin building your proposal. 1. Create an account: 2. Click on Start a Proposal 3. Select AGC's 93rd Annual Convention 4. Start building your proposal