
AGC Urges House Leadership to Include Infrastructure in Jobs Plan

Last week Republican leadership in the House of Representatives unveiled the “House Republican Plan for America’s Job Creators.” The plan focuses on reducing uncertainty and limiting government imposed burdens by fixing the tax code, reducing regulatory burdens, increasing domestic energy production, cutting spending and passing free trade agreements.  The stated goal of the plan  is to create a pro-growth environment that will lead to increased job creation.  Unfortunately, the plan fails to include infrastructure investment. In response, AGC CEO Steve Sandherr sent a letter to Speaker John Boehner, Majority Leader Eric Cantor, and the entire Republican Conference.  In the letter, AGC urges them to include infrastructure investment as part of their Jobs Plan.  In addition, the letter calls on Congress to act on the stalled reauthorization of major infrastructure legislation, including surface transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Water Resources Development Act, and Clean and Safe Drinking Water Revolving Fund Programs. AGC will continue to push Congress to focus on infrastructure investment as a key component in creating jobs and revitalizing our economy. For more information, please contact Sean O’Neill at (202) 547-8892 or