
3 Percent Repeal Bills Continue to Attract House and Senate Cosponsors

The House cosponsor number has grown from 36 during the week of the AGC convention to 148 last week.  The most recent additions to the House cosponsor list are: Rep Biggert, Judy [IL-13] - 6/2/2011 Rep Broun, Paul C. [GA-10] - 6/2/2011 Rep Gibbs, Bob [OH-18] - 6/2/2011 Rep Harper, Gregg [MS-3] - 6/2/2011 Rep Lance, Leonard [NJ-7] - 6/2/2011 Rep Luetkemeyer, Blaine [MO-9] - 6/2/2011 Rep Pompeo, Mike [KS-4] - 6/2/2011 Rep Tipton, Scott [CO-3] - 6/3/2011 There is one new cosponsor in the Senate this week. Sen Johanns, Mike [NE] - 6/7/2011 If you know these members of the House or Senate, please send them a thank you for cosponsoring.  To send a letter to your member of Congress and Senators, click here. Additionally, Senators Olympia Snowe (R-ME) and Scott Brown (R-MA) have once again filed 3% repeal as an amendment to the pending business in the Senate (S. 782 the Economic Development Revitalization Action of 2011).  It is still not clear if they will be able to get a vote on this amendment.  AGC sent a letter to the full Senate June 9 urging adoption of the amendment.  AGC also signed on to a coalition letter from the Withholding Relief Coalition. As the schedule becomes clearer we will get information out to members. For more information, please contact Jeff Shoaf at