
National Labor Relations Board Issues a Proposed Rule to Accelerate Union Representation Elections

On June 22, 2011, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) issued a proposed rule that would compress the time frame between a call by the unions for a vote and the election. This would be done by eliminating the pre-election request for review and any waiting period associated with such a review.  Among other changes, the proposed rule also calls for the disclosure by employers of employee phone numbers and email addresses before an election. This proposed rule is being referred to as an effort to have “quickie” elections, which was part of the so-called Employee Free Choice Act (“card-check” bill) that did not make it through Congress.  It would limit the time that employers have to share their viewpoint about union representation with their employees.  AGC is reviewing this proposed rule carefully and expects to file comments opposing the rule within the 60-day comment period. For more information, please contact Jeff Shoaf at (202) 547-3350 or