
Campaign to Repeal 3 Percent Withholding

Momentum continues to build in Congress to repeal the 3 percent withholding tax, and AGC members and the construction industry have been at the forefront of the repeal campaign. Last week, AGC sent out individualized state-by-state updates to our members.  These updates named legislators in members’ states that have not yet cosponsored 3 percent repeal legislation and encouraged members to take action and contact their representatives. The legislation in the House and Senate continues to attract cosponsors, with 176 and 26 in the House and Senate, respectively.  However, no additional cosponsors were added in either the House or Senate this week.  Contact your representatives and encourage them to cosponsor the repeal of the 3 percent withholding tax. The legislation has broad bipartisan support, with 129 Republican cosponsors and 47 Democratic cosponsors in the House. However, there are 98 Representatives who supported the bill in previous years but have yet to do so this Congress, which makes increased grassroots activity important. The time for congressional action is ticking, so we hope every AGC member will encourage their employees and colleagues to contact Congress as well. AGC has provided the tools necessary to quickly and efficiently communicate with Congress. The number of Chapters and members that have been helpful in contacting Congress is growing, and we would like to highlight their activity in upcoming newsletters. Please share your stories with us and complete our survey. Watch this video to learn more about the 3 percent withholding rule from AGC's Jeff Shoaf. For more information, please contact Jeff Shoaf at (202) 547-3350 or