
Nearly 200 House Sponsors, Continue Efforts to Educate Industry on 3 Percent Withholding

Momentum continues to build in Congress to repeal the 3 percent withholding tax. AGC members and the construction industry have been at the forefront of the repeal campaign. In the last several weeks, AGC has sent out individualized state-by-state updates to our members, and as a result, the House is up to 198 cosponsors and the Senate is at 28 cosponsors.  The most recent additions to the House cosponsor list are: Chabot, Steve (R-OH-1) Crawford, Rick (R-AR-1) Duffy, Sean (R-WI-7) Duncan, Jeff (R-SC-3) Emerson, Jo (R-MO-8) Farenthold, Blake (R-TX-27) Franks, Trent (R-AZ-2) Harris, Andrew (R-MD-1) Higgins, Brian (D-NY-27) Mack, Connie (R-FL-14) Marchant, Kenny (R-TX-24) Nunnelee, Alan (R-MS-1) Price, Thomas (R-GA-6) Rehberg, Dennis (R-MT) Rokita, Todd (R-IN-4) Scalise, Stephen (R-LA-1) Schweikert, David (R-AZ-5) Shuster, Bill (R-PA-9) Turner, Michael (R-OH-3) Walz, Tim (D-MN-1) West, Allen (R-FL-22)   The most recent addition to the Senate cosponsor list is: Pryor, Mark (D-AR) AGC has repeatedly asked its membership to contact their elected officials, reach out to local stake holders and state and local agencies; and these efforts haven’t gone unnoticed by Congress.  However, Congress has not yet to schedule a debate on the bill so we need to keep pressure on them.  This week, AGC asks you to share information with your industry partners and encourage your employees to make contact with Congress using the AGC Legislative Action Center ( AGC members represent a large voting block and if every member encourages their employees to take action as well, we could leverage the industry’s full advocacy potential. Use the tools below to ask your Representative to cosponsor H.R. 674, and your Senators to cosponsor S. 89 or S. 164, which would permanently repeal the requirement. To learn more click here or watch this video to learn more about the 3 percent withholding tax from AGC's Jeff Shoaf. For more information, please contact Jeff Shoaf at (202) 547-3350 or