
Free TED Forum Town Hall Webinar

AGC of America is offering a free Webinar to all members and Chapter staff who are interested in learning more about delivering online training and the ongoing efforts of AGC’s Training, Education & Development (TED) Forum. The town hall Webinar will take place from 2:00-3:30 p.m. EST, on Wednesday, Sept. 7. The town hall will be conducted in two parts: the first part will be a discussion of the TED Forum and the range of programs, products and services that fall under its umbrella; the second part will be a overview on distance learning by Purdue University Professor Brad Benhart. Professor Benhart, who was a long-time construction industry executive, will dispel the myths about distance education, highlight the various forms used in construction, and, most importantly, show how it saves time and money. Registration is easy and can be accomplished online at: Register now and don’t miss this exciting two-part program.