
More than Half of the House Supports Efforts to Repeal 3 Percent Withholding

As Congress heads into the August recess, 221 Cosponsors, more than half of the House supports the repeal of 3 percent withholding.  The Senate has 29 cosponsors, almost one third of Senators sponsoring repeal.  AGC members and the construction industry have been at the forefront of the repeal campaign.  The most recent additions to the House cosponsor list are: Rep Barletta, Lou[PA-11] - 7/28/2011 Rep Bartlett, Roscoe G.[MD-6] - 7/28/2011 Rep Eshoo, Anna G.[CA-14] - 7/28/2011 Rep Forbes, J. Randy[VA-4] - 7/29/2011 Rep Granger, Kay[TX-12] - 7/28/2011 Rep Guthrie, Brett [KY-2] - 7/28/2011 Rep Hall, Ralph M.[TX-4] - 7/28/2011 Rep Rivera, David [FL-25] - 7/28/2011 There are no new additions to the Senate cosponsor list this week. AGC continues to ask its members to contact their elected officials, reach out to local stakeholders and state and local agencies; and these efforts have not gone unnoticed by Congress.  However, Congress has yet to schedule a debate on the bill so action cannot stop.  Use AGC’s 3 percent withholding website to find additional resources including talking points, IRS regulations, videos on the impact of this legislation, letters sent to Congress by AGC, and ways to become involved.  Please continue to make contact with your legislators and encourage your employees to do the same by using the Legislative Action Center. For a list of cosponsors in your state, please click here. For more information, please contact Karen Lapsevic at (202) 547-4733 or