
President Obama to Outline New Jobs Proposals in Speech after Labor Day

The White House announced that President Obama plans to deliver a speech after Labor Day aimed at jump-starting the economy.  The speech will outline two different goals.  The first would produce jobs and increase economic growth. The second would guide the Congressional Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction on ways to reduce the federal deficit.  The speech comes on the heels of criticism from Republicans that the president has repeatedly failed to outline a plan to end the economic recession.  White House officials say that the president has mapped out a series of small proposals in the past few months that Republicans have rebuffed, including trade deals and an extension of the payroll tax cut. As the campaign for 2012 begins to take shape, Obama’s base is calling for him to be more aggressive in pushing his economic agenda.  Democrats hope this speech will set a campaign platform for job creation and economic growth as the GOP presidential candidates begin to criticize the administration for the way they have dealt with the economic recession. There is no set date for the speech as of yet, however White House officials say it will be given following Labor Day.  AGC is preparing information for the administration to consider as they develop these proposals and will share similar information with the Joint Committee. For more information, please contact Jeff Shoaf at (202) 547-3350 or