
Call for Nominations – Industry Recruiting Task Force

The AGC Training, Education & Development (TED) Forum is seeking nominations for qualified and motivated AGC members and Chapter staff to serve on a new Industry Recruiting Task Force, which will report to the Training, Education & Development Forum. AGC seeks task force members who are:
  • Involved with local efforts to attract new people into the construction industry;
  • Knowledgeable of the factors that influence young people’s choice of a career;
  • Capable of evaluating industry image efforts to determine their use from a national perspective; and
  • Willing to devote time and effort to the future of the construction industry.
The task force will serve several functions, including but not limited to:
  • Reviewing current efforts to determine if they are scalable on a national level;
  • Submitting an analysis of efforts and making recommendations to the TED Forum Steering Committee and AGC Executive Board;
  • Helping identify and share best practice guidelines for AGC Chapters and members.
Task force members will meet virtually via conference call and web-based meetings. The current expectation is that this task force will conduct its work for a 12-month period beginning September 2011 but its duration may be extended if the scope of work exceeds the time frame. Please send nominations to Liz Elvin via email ( no later than, Thursday, Sept. 1, 2011. Self-nominations are acceptable and encouraged.