
Construction Contracts Killer Clause Webinar

Construction contracts are often unbalanced, unfair, and unhelpful for actually getting a project built.  In this economy, some contractors and specialty contractors are willing to sign any contract, no matter what the terms, to get work.  However, what if those contract killer clauses come back to bite you. Your business could be in jeopardy,  which is why it is critical to review your contracts before you sign them and negotiate fair terms.  The AGC and ABA Forum on the Construction Industry have partnered to present the Construction Contracts Killer Clause Webinar. On Tuesday, September 27th at 2:00-3:30PM EDT, a distinguished panel experienced in construction contract drafting and negotiation will identify some of the most onerous commonly used contract clauses in prime agreements as well as subcontracts. Representing an owner’s, constructor’s, and specialty contractor’s perspective, the panel will demonstrate negotiation strategies to teach you tips and tricks. Register today and by the end of the webinar, you will be able to identify, analyze, and negotiate your way out of killer contract clauses.