
Kansas City Chapter Meets with Rep. Sam Graves (R-MO)

While Congress is out of town, wrapping up their August break, AGC members continue to meet with them locally to advocate on behalf of the industry. Last week, representatives of the Kansas City Chapter met with U.S. Representative Sam Graves (R-MO). Graves is the current chairman of the U.S. House Small Business Committee, which was established to protect and assist small businesses, and has been an ally of the industry evidenced by his committee holding a hearing in May on repealing the 3 percent withholding tax. During the meeting AGC addressed specific small business issues including access to capital and federal regulations. Graves has a 92 percent lifetime voting record with AGC and has received  AGC Political Action Committee contributions since he first became a candidate for office  in  2000. The representatives of the Kansas City Chapter included August L. Huber III, CEO of A.L. Huber, Inc. and Kansas City AGC Chapter Board Chair, Jeff Riesberg, Regional Manager of Ceco Concrete Construction and Board Chair of The Builders’ Association, and Don Greenwell, Executive Director and Allen Dillingham, Director of Government Affairs for the Kansas City Chapter. The attendees also addressed a desire to repeal the 3 percent withhold tax, the impact of the Environmental Protection Agencies new stormwater runoff rule and the need for Congress to reauthorization the highway funding program. For more information, please contact Jim Young at (202) 547-0133 or