
2012 Election Looms Large: AGC PAC Co-Chairs Announce the PAC Path Ahead

With control of the White House and Congress at stake in 2012 election, AGC PAC co-chairs Doug Pruitt and Ted Aadland presented their AGC PAC and grassroots plan for the construction industry’s impacting the election to state chairmen, regional coordinators, and chapter executives on Thursday, Sept.8. During the conference call with the PAC’s governing body—the AGC PAC Contributions Subcommittee—the co-chairs challenged the state chairmen to meet clear goals for 2012 in their respective states. Specifically,  state chairman are tasked with raising at least ten percent more than their state’s 2010 election cycle PAC contribution total, recruiting ten new contributors to the PAC, and enlisting ten non-AGC member leaders to participate in AGC grassroots legislative alerts. To help meet those goals, Ted Aadland noted that “AGC of America staff, Doug and I, and your regional coordinators are here to support you in any way we can.” In addition to the co-chair’s setting the PAC goals, AGC’s Jeff Shoaf relayed the latest federal developments from Washington D.C.  Handling topics from the Special Committee on Deficit Reduction—nicknamed the “Super Committee”—to reauthorization of the federal aviation and surface transportation programs to President Obama’s recent suspension of proposed Environmental Protection Agency emissions regulations, Shoaf explained the situation on the ground and answered contractors’ questions. Lastly, the conference call attendees provided their input and made calculated decisions on contributions to national party committees, moderate congressional member PACs, and a number of individual candidates. Operating outside a smoke filled-room, AGC PAC continues to communicate with AGC members about the decisions it makes to build a better Congress. This first of many quarterly conference calls with the Contributions Subcommittee will provide a forum for that communication. For more information, contact Jimmy Christianson at 202-547-5013 or