
House Passes Bill to Block National Labor Relations Board from Influencing Relocations, Shut Downs and Transfers of Employees and Operations

The bill, H.R.2587, the Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act passed the House by a vote of 238 to 186.  The bill directed at the NRLB’s response to Boeing moving a new production facility to South Carolina.   Seven Republicans voted against the bill while eight Democrats voted for it.  The Republicans who voted against it are Gibson (NY), Grimm (NY), LaTourette (OH), Fitzpatrick (PA), McKinley (WV), Meehan (PA) and Young of Alaska.  The Democrats who supported the bill were Barrow (GA), Boren (OK), Cooper (TN), Cuellar (TX), Matheson (UT), McIntyre (NC) Ross (AR) and Shuler (NC).   The entire South Carolina delegation supported the bill with the exception of Rep. Clyburn (D-SC).   AGC supported the bill, but it faces an uphill battle in the Senate. For more information, please contact Jeff Shoaf at (202) 547-3350 or