
House of Representatives Introduces Continuing Resolution Measure

The House has begun consideration of a continuing resolution (CR) that would allow the federal government to continue operating through Nov 18. With the House approving only six spending measures so far and the Senate failing to pass any, the CR has been long expected to materialize. The CR appears to finance the government in a manner consistent with the debt ceiling agreement that was recently enacted. That deal allowed for discretionary spending at $1.043 trillion for all of FY 2012. The bill also adds a total of $3.65 billion in funding for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The bill allows for $1 billion to be spent in FY 2011 and another $2.65 billion for FY 2012. Democrats were critical of the move as they have pushed for a minimum of $6 billion in funding to help pay for the natural disasters the U.S. has endured this year.  The disaster spending if offset by an across-the-board cut of about one and one-half percent and cuts to a couple of other government programs. AGC will continue to closely monitor this developing issue and encourage Congressional leaders to move on all FY 2012 Appropriations bills to bring certainty and predictability to the numerous Federal construction programs. For more information, please contact Marco Giamberardino at (703) 837-5325 or