
Training, Education and Development (TED) Forum Town Hall

AGC had a great turnout for our recent free double-header webinar and has made the presentations available online here. The first half was an update on the  Training Education & Development Forum, which  encompasses a broad range of programs, products and services that serve AGC members and Chapter staff who are involved in industry outreach, craft training, and professional development for employees at all levels and job titles within the industry. The second half of the program was led by Brad Benhart, a long-time industry executive and professor of construction management at Purdue University, who dispelled the myths about distance education, highlight the various forms used in construction, and, most importantly, show how it saves time and money. AGC is planning to make these town hall meetings a regular event to help TED Forum members keep up with the latest developments. You can learn how to join the Forum online here. Again, those who were unable to attend the webinar and wish to see the presentations may do so here.