
House Plans October Vote to Repeal 3 Percent Withholding – Take Action Today

The U.S. House of Representatives is expected to begin consideration of a bill to repeal the 3 percent withholding mandate next week. The bill will first be considered by the House Ways and Means Committee, followed by a vote on the House floor as early as the week of Oct. 24. AGC wants as many representatives to vote for the bill as possible in order to send a strong message to the Senate to follow suit. We are asking you and your employees to contact your representative today and urge them to cosponsor and support passage of H.R. 674.  The House bill currently has 258 cosponsors while the Senate cosponsor list has 33 signatures. The most recent additions to the House cosponsor list are: Rep Matheson, Jim [UT-2] - 10/3/2011 Rep Labrador, Raul R. [ID-1] - 10/3/2011 Rep Conaway, K. Michael [TX-11] - 10/3/2011 Rep Johnson, Timothy V. [IL-15] - 10/3/2011 Rep Crenshaw, Ander [FL-4] - 10/3/2011 Rep Bilirakis, Gus M. [FL-9] - 10/3/2011 Rep McNerney, Jerry [CA-11] - 10/5/2011 Rep Cole, Tom [OK-4] - 10/5/2011 Rep Buchanan, Vern [FL-13] - 10/5/2011 Rep Graves, Tom [GA-9] - 10/5/2011 The most recent additions to the Senate cosponsor list are: Sen Tester, Jon [MT] - 10/4/2011 Sen Crapo, Mike [ID] - 10/5/2011 Below are four options for contacting your representative:
  1. Send a letter using AGC’s Legislative Action Center.
  2. Schedule a meeting with your representative during the District Work Period the week of Oct. 17. Click here for background and talking points.
  3. Call your representative by dialing (202) 224-3121 and asking for your representative’s office. Click here for a phone script template.
  4. Tell us your story by replying to this email. Your emails will be shared with our allies on Capitol Hill to support repeal.
Use AGC’s 3 percent withholding website to find additional resources, including talking points, IRS regulations, videos on the impact of this legislation, letters sent to Congress by AGC, and ways to become involved. Click on your state to find out if your representative has yet to cosponsor H.R. 674. For more information, contact Karen Lapsevic at 202-547-4733 or