
Legislation to Roll Back NLRB's Assault on Employers and Workers Passes House Committee

The House Committee on Education and the Workforce approved the Workforce Democracy and Fairness Act, a bill that would rein in the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) and disallow the NLRB to use executive action to streamline the union representation elections. The NLRB is attempting to speed up elections and limit appeals and procedural safeguards that protect the integrity of representation elections. Proposals may reduce the amount of time an employer can address their employees before a vote during an organizing drive. The Workforce Fairness and Democracy Act would specifically:
  • Ensure employers are able to participate in a fair union election process
  • Guarantee workers have the ability to make a fully informed decision in a union election
  • Reinstate the traditional standard for determining which employees will vote in the union election
  • Safeguard privacy by allowing workers to decide the type of personal information provided to a union
AGC expects the House to act on this bill later this year.  AGC sent a letter to Senator Kline expressing support for the bill.  AGC will continue to follow the bill’s progress and encourage members to support the legislation. For more information, please contact Jim Young at (202) 547-0133 or