
House Appropriations Committee Chairman Hears From AGC PAC

Leaders of the AGC of Kentucky presented two AGC PAC checks to Rep. Harold “Hal” Rogers (R-Ky.) on Nov. 23. During the presentation, AGC members and chapter staff thanked Rep. Rogers for his support of the commercial construction industry and for the repeal of the 3 percent withholding law. Rep. Rogers chairs the House Appropriations Committee, which has jurisdiction over the annual federal budget process. During his 16 terms in Congress, the Chairman voted with AGC 91 percent of the time. Pictured in the photo left to right are Doug Hacker, AGC of Kentucky President; Con. Hal Rogers; Richard Vincent, AGC of Kentucky Executive Vice President; and David Jackson, AGC of Kentucky Past President. For more information, please contact Jimmy Christianson at 202-547-5013 or