
Twenty-Three Chapters Reach 100 Percent in 2011 AGC PAC Board Contest!

The 2011 AGC PAC Chapter Board competition finished strong, as 23 (bolded below) of the 38 participating chapters achieved 100 percent board member participation and a chance to win a complimentary, standard registration package for AGC’s 2013 convention. Chapters participating in the 2011 contest included:
AGC of Alaska AGC of Missouri, Inc
Arizona Chapter-AGC Montana Contractors’ Association
Arkansas Chapter AGC Nebraska Building Chapter-AGC
San Diego Chapter Nebraska Chapter-AGC
Carolinas AGC Nevada Chapter, AGC
AGC of Colorado Building Chapter Inc Associated Contractors of New Mexico
Colorado Contractors Assn Inc New Mexico Building Branch
AGC of Connecticut Inc AGC of Oklahoma Building Chapter
Georgia Branch, AGC AGC of Oklahoma General Contractors
General Contractors Assn of Hawaii Oregon-Columbia Chapter-AGC
Central Illinois Builders Master Builders' Association of W PA
Fox Valley AGC Constructors Assn of W Pennsylvania
AGC of Kansas Inc AGC of South Dakota, Inc
Kansas Contractors Association AGC of East Tennessee
AGC of Kentucky Inc AGC of Texas
AGC of Western Kentucky Inc Utah Chapter
Louisiana AGC Inc AGC of Virginia
AGC of Minnesota AGC of Washington
Mississippi Valley Branch-AGC Inland Northwest Chapter-AGC
Contest Nuggets: First Chapter to log 100 percent participation:  NE Bldg Chapter (4/29/11) Chapter reaching 100 percent with highest # of board members:  AGC of Alaska (35) Chapter generating most board dollars:  CAWPA ($18,000) 2011 Award Distribution: All  2011 Chapter Board Awards will be distributed at the National and Chapter Leadership Luncheon at AGC’s 93rd Annual Convention, Hilton Hawaiian Village; Tuesday, March 13, Tappa Ballroom 3, 12:15 – 1:30 p.m. As most of our chapters are aware, PAC contributions are essential to advancing the industry’s legislative priorities on Capitol Hill. They are a part of the political business just as much as submitting bids is a part of the contracting business. Again, we are sincerely grateful for your support. Get your chapter involved early. Join us now and reap the competitive edge of early registration for the 2012 board contest. Our chapter involvement determines the success of this ongoing program and reflects AGC PAC’s ongoing goal to “Build a Better Congress.” Prepare Early for 2012 Chapter Board Contest: Click here to review 2012 contest rules and commit your board’s support for the 2012 challenge. E-mail or fax (703/837-5407) your completed 2012 intent-to-participate form and board roster to Cecelia Casey in the National AGC PAC office at (PH: 703/837-5435). For more information on AGC PAC, please visit